The smallest village in Japan on Aogashima : the lost island

2019年 05月10日

The Aogashima is the most isolated inhabited island of Izu archipelago, and lost in the Phillipine sea, there is realistically a volcano and located more than 300km from Tokyo with a population of 170 residents and the smallest village of Japan carrying simply the name Aogashima-mura (mura means "village" in Japanese). Going to this place, we have to go to the Hachijojima island by airplane or by ship (11 hours of cruising), then Aogashima can be accessible only by helicopter (20 minutes and one flight per day) or by ship (it can be 3-4 days per week, but only under the fair weather). The island is 3.5km long and 2.5 km width, and its nature is magnificent in the heart of several caldeiras enceircling the houses. It is surrounded by sheer cliffs and its inhabitable area is very small.
Belonging to the prefecture of Tokyo, we can see the TV channels of the capital city and all the public services are depending on Tokyo. There are a rather modern elementary school, and a post office (open on Saturday and national holidays). As only small number of tourists who challenge to come to this place which surprise the people of the island; they don't miss to give them a hearty welcome. By walking, we find small charming houses lost deep in the nature, and small shops of sake and the izakaya restaurants. Here, the shochu, the alcool drink made by sweet potatoes, is perfect with the sashimi served with the red pepper sauce called shimadare. Staying in this unusual place can be summerized by camping in the Ikenosawa region or in minshuku, the unusual accomodation in the house of residents! The island is well-known with the volcanic eruption in the 18th century and the Aogashima has not beeing inhabited for almost 50 years. Now, the volcano is a part of everyday life of the people, who enjoying to be relaxed in the onsen, and they cook foods. Aoshoma can be the most unusual destination of Japan, but please do not forget to count some extra days, because your returning transportation depending on the weather!
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