Setouchi Triennale 2019 : International Art Festival in Japan

2019年 03月08日

Setouchi Triennale is an international festival of contemporary art which take place every 3 years since 2010. This year will be the 4th edition. The festival increases in popularity every year and many tourists come to appreciate the art works and architecures which have been made for this occasion. It is held three times of the year: spring, summer and autumn and starts on 25th of April 2019.

This exposition takes place in 12 different islands of Seto inland sea, (including the famous Naoshima island) called as "Art islands". They are in the 7th place of top 52 places to go in 2019 selected by the New York Times.

The original purpose of this festival was to link the city area and rural area where the depopulation was getting appeared comparing to the big cities: the key issue is to reinvest in abandonned houses by artistic projects, and to appeal more visitors for continuing to reactivate this zone. It was successful already because we see that the population of some islands are increasing! 

The simplicity of the architectual creations are harmonized with environnement by adding the valeur.
This exposition is appreciated by everyone, amatures of arts including novices.

The principal axis of this festival are the discovery and celebration of the local culture, appreciation of the art and of the architecture and the connection between different zones of geographic.

The newest artwork of the Setouchi Triennale is Hotel Setouchi Retreat Aonagi, constructed by Tadao Ando. Tadao Ando is an architect who works especially by concrete and with clean design. He also designed the Unesco meditation space in Paris. Each 7 room has an own theme and different orientation which offer the various experiences.

for more information :

Please click here to the "Naoshima Yacht Cruising & Shimanami Kaido Cycling Enjoy Seto lnand Sea 8 days"

Please click here to the "Island hopping tour around Naoshima & Himeji, Miyajima, Kurashik